A little ~behind the scenes~ for you

Welcome! My name is Abigail and I am a full time university student. I’m pre-law so give me a couple years and I’ll be the world’s newest environmental lawyer :). I love everything about food: the emotions, the flavors, the social experience, the experimentation, the process of cooking and preparing, the history, ev-ery-thing. I was born into a very traditional New England family and that ended up as a privilege because along with my family came a childhood on an organic vegetable farm in a very small New England town. I learned to appreciate food through my experiences on our farm. When I started college, I began to realize how different my relationship with food is from the vast majority of people I was around. I started to look more into the concept of Food Culture because I found this difference fascinating yet fully puzzling. My goal, at this point on my curious search for answers, is to get more people to think about their food. I want to help people consider their food in a well-rounded, wholesome way because I truly believe that one of the world’s greatest problems is a lack of education. When prepared with the proper resources, everyone is free to make their own personal choice.

I created this blog as part of my summer leadership project for the BOLD Women’s Leadership Network. I am a member of the UConn Chapter which means I am funded to complete a leadership project of my own design for the summer. BOLD is a incredible group that carries the goal of supporting young women through the end of their undergraduate career by encouraging personal growth with an emphasis on advancing leadership skills.